Alaska Shipwrecks 1926-1950

ABBREVIATIONS:  AluminumALBritish ColumbiaBCCentralCFiberglassFRPFishing VesselFVIndicated Horse PowerIHPLongliner-LLMotor VesselMVNorthNOfficial NumberONRevenue Cutter ServiceRCSSchoonerSchSignal LettersSLSouth CentralSCSoutheastSESouthwestSWSteel oil screwSOSSteam ShipSSUnknownUUnited States ArmyUSAUnited States Coast GuardUSCGUnited States NavyUSNWestcentralWCWood gas screwWGSWood oil screwWOS

1926Anna JSC46 FootWGS Fishing6
1926C StewardSCWGS0
1926Carl WhiteCStern Wheel Steamer0
1926DiscoverySEWGS Fishing4
1926Dr MartinCWGS6
1926EdithSE120 FootFreight Barge0
1926Ella MSCWGS0
1926GladysSE11 Ton Gas Screw3
1926J JSC15 Ton Gas Screw
1926KentuckyU55 FootGas Screw Fishing
1926King #1SE8 Ton Gas Screw2
1926MarySE10 Ton WGS4
1926MinnieSE34 FootWGS Fishing1
1926Myrtle HSC23 Ton WGS0
1926NootkaSE40 Ton WGS2
1926NorthSEGas Schooner
1926OceanicSE11 Ton WGS
1926RelianceSE39 Foot11 Ton WGS2
1926S & E #3BC25 Ton Wood Scow
1926Uncle JohnSC46 Foot26 Ton WGS4
1926WinnieSEGas Screw
1926WTB Co No 35SCBarge
1926WTB Co No 55SC153 Foot458 Ton Wood Scow
1926WTB Co No 58SCBarge
1926Yankee IISC83 Foot38 Ton GS2
1927AcushlaSC32 FootWGS Fishing1
1927Cape ClearBCWGS5
1927ClaraSEWGS Fishing1
1927Everett HaysSWWOS Steamer7
1927IowaSE12 Ton WGS1
1927Mary LeeSC11 Ton WGS2
1927MikkiduraSE10 Ton Aux. Schooner2
1927MinneapolisSC20 Ton WGS6
1927MissionSE13 Ton WGS4
1927NutenSC22 Ton WGS3
1927OlgaSE8 Ton WGS Halibut3
1927PioneerSC61 Foot37 Ton WGS2
1927ScandiaSC91 Foot116 Ton WOS Fishing15
1927ScoutSE36 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1927StrangerSE42 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing4
1927Three TwinsSE34 foot10 Ton WGS21
1927TrioSC46 Foot28 Ton Wood Fishing2
1927UniverseSC59 Foot39 Ton GS Fishing4
1927WTB Co No 33SE160 Foot733 Ton Wood Scow0
1928ActiveSE40 FootWGS Fishing2
1928AlaskaSCWood Schooner10
1928Anna HelenSEWGS2
1928Blue SeaSC56 FootWGS Fishing3
1928Blue SeaWCWGS
1928BrunvollSCHalibut Schooner7
1928Capt WordenSCWGS0
1928Cub No 2WCWood Barge0
1928F I P No 24SEScow0
1928Ida CSE8 Ton WGS1
1928IkarossSC22 Ton WGS3
1928ImperialSE-SC30 Ton Gas Screw6
1928LillySE10 Ton WGS2
1928MarylandSC29 Ton WGS4
1928MaweemaSW453 Ton Cod Schooner31
1928McKinleySE56 Ton Diesel Screw10
1928Mildred IISE45 Ton WGS Fishing6
1928Northern KingSC11 Ton Gas Screw1
1928PelicanSC47 FootWOS Fishing3
1928PerseveranceSC33 FootWGS3
1928Prince of WalesSE58 FootOil Screw7
1928SandySE38 FootWGS2
1928SeldoviaSE144 Ton Fishing Scow
1928Sesnon #2WC19 Ton Barge
1928Sesnon #8WC19 Ton Barge0
1928Star of FalklandSW277 Foot2330 Ton Steel Ship336
1928Sunny PointSE47 Foot26 Ton GS Fishing1
1928Topsy DSE33 Foot9 Ton Wood Fishing2
1928TruthSE46 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing3
1928TwinsWC42 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing0
1928Unknown VesselSEGS Mail Boat
1929AlaskaSEWood Steamer
1929AleutianSCPassenger Steamer1153
1929Alice BSCHalibut Schooner
1929AllowaySWSteam Ship35
1929AuroraSEWGS Fishing0
1929BluffWCWood Scow1
1929CoronaSEWood Gas Schooner11
1929D S S Co No 6SEWood Scow
1929ElisifSiberiaAux Schooner21
1929GladstoneSE35 Ton WGS0
1929Golden ForestSC5658 Ton Ship34
1929H I C No 4SC27 Ton Wood Scow0
1929Helen AHellen A
1929Helen ASE33 Foot10 Ton WGS0
1929Hillside IISC34 Ton WGS0
1929KanatakSC43 Ton Halibut Fishing9
1929Libby McN & L No 1SE11 Ton Wood Scow0
1929LinnetSEDiesel Fishing Vessel
1929Marjorie MSE40 FootGas Screw Fishing0
1929No 1SE11 Ton Scow0
1929Norman ASE10 Ton WGS3
1929PepSC32 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing3
1929Phoenix VIISE46 Foot28 Ton WGS Fishing0
1929Roald AmundsenBC50 Foot30 Ton WGS Fishing3
1929Rose MarieSE42 FootWGS Fishing2
1929Ruth MaySE41 FootWGS Fishing1
1929Sea BirdSE35 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing1
1929Sea BirdSC51 Foot41 Ton WOS Halibut25
1929ShamrockSC38 Foot13 Ton WGS2
1929SkagwaySE1838 Ton Steam Ship27
1929SpraySE50 FootWGS Tug2
1929UnilucoSE37 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing1
1929UnukSE36 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing4
1929ValvadereSC40 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing2
1929Wards CoveSE58 Foot34 Ton WGS Fishing2
1930Anna BarronSEWood steam tender7
1930Anna HelenSEWood oil yacht4
1930Chester LSEWGS1
1930Clara BlancheSEWGS Fishing4
1930DefianceWC37 FootWGS Lighterage4
1930Diamond CSEWGS2
1930El HurdSC60 FootWood Oil Schooner5
1930Elmo IISEWGS0
1930Fort UnionSE267 FootWood Barge
1930Go GetSC29 Ton WGS4
1930Irene BSE7 Ton WGS0
1930Koshun MaruSCJapanese Steamer
1930LauraSE8 Ton Wood Fishing1
1930LorraineSE36 FootGas Screw0
1930MitchellSE14 Ton WGS1
1930OmaneySCHalibut Schooner
1930OwlSC14 Ton WGS Fishing3
1930PanamaSC69 Foot51 Ton Oil Screw Fish9
1930Princess LenaSE30 Foot10 Ton Gas Screw
1930RosieSC33 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing1
1930SpratSE53 Foot27 Ton Wood Scow0
1930SunsetSC56 Foot35 Ton WGS Fishing3
1930Teddy HC74 FootStern Wheel Steamer13
1930TeresaSE30 Foot8 Ton Wood Fishing4
1930Twin BSE40 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing3
1930TwinsSC36 Foot11 Ton Gas Screw12
1930VernaSE32 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1931Alice CookSCWood Schooner9
1931BaychimoNSteel Steamer0
1931GladiatorSC21 Ton Gas Screw3
1931HildaSE10 Ton WGS1
1931ImperialSC22 Ton Gas Screw1
1931IskumSW72 FootWOS18
1931KetchumSE8 Ton Gas Screw1
1931M S P Co No 1U36 Foot20 Ton Scow
1931MarmotSC44 Ton Halibut Ketch16
1931Mary C FischerSC12 Ton 2 Mast3
1931Mary G IISE34 Ton Gas Screw2
1931Mildred RobinsonUGas Boat
1931MonroeSC34 Ton WOS2
1931No 00SC98 Ton Wood Barge
1931NorthernSEHalibut Schooner0
1931OregonianSC45 Ton WGS Fishing4
1931PilgrimSC35 Foot12 Ton WGS2
1931SumnerSE46 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing1
1931TagalakSE65 Foot71 Ton OS Fishing6
1931White StarSEHalibut Schooner5
1932America FirstSEWOS3
1932DiscovererSC55 FootWOS4
1932GoingSE7 Ton Gas Screw12
1932Grant T-300SESmall Gas Troller1
1932Harriet GWood Brig
1932Hazel B No 2SE135 Ton WGS0
1932HerculesSE11 Ton WGS3
1932IdaSC13 Ton WGS FV1
1932JoanSE44 FootWOS Fishing3
1932LakewoodSE9 Ton Gas Screw1
1932LibbySC8 Ton WGS0
1932Libby McN & L No 9SC14 Ton Wood Scow
1932Lincoln RockSE9 Ton WGS5
1932LunaSE19 Ton Gas Screw2
1932Mary LSE8 Ton WGS0
1932MyrtleSC9 Ton WGS1
1932NevadaSW5645 TonSteel Steam Screw343
1932OliveSC59 Ton Wood Schooner2
1932RainbowSE32 Foot8 Ton GS Towing0
1932RosaleeSE33 FootWGS Fishing2
1932Sally BSE39 Foot18 Ton GS Yacht5
1932Sea Lion IISE44 Foot18 Ton Wood Fishing1
1932SuccessSE45 Foot14 Ton WGS2
1932SunriseSW23 Ton Diesel Fishing
1932TasmaniaSE34 FootWGS4
1932VenturaSE45 Foot13 Ton WGS3
1933AgnesSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1933Apex No 2SC38 FootWGS Fishing1
1933ArrowSE40 FootWGS Fishing5
1933Bering SeaSEWGS2
1933CastorSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1933City of AnacortesSE63 FootWOS6
1933Cross SoundSEWGS2
1933EtolinSE43 FootWGS Fishing5
1933GazelleSE32 FootWGS Fishing)
1933Good HopeWC14 Ton Gas Screw8
1933ImartaSE34 FootWGS Fishing2
1933JosieSE41 FootWGS Fishing0
1933KingstonSE98 FootWood Steam Trading12
1933Mary GSC51 Foot31 Ton WGS Fishing0
1933Mary JSE36 FootWGS Fishing1
1933Palmer SSE8 Ton WGS2
1933RelianceSE40 Foot18 Ton WGS Fishing4
1933Sea OtterSE27 Foot7 Ton Gas Screw3
1933SuemezSE42 Foot26 Ton GS Fishing
1933SwanU36 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing4
1933ThelmaSE30 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing1
1933Tum TumSE36 Foot13 Ton WGS1
1933Umnak NativeSW59 Foot49 Ton WOS114
1933UndineSE33 Foot9 Ton WGS0
1933VisitorWC39 Foot13 Ton WGS Freight
1934Arnold LiebesNWGS
1934BerniceSC44 FootWGS Fishing3
1934C B BrowerNVessel
1934ChelyuskinRussiaRussian Steamship
1934DefianceSC47 FootWGS Fishing3
1934John A CooneyU55 FootWOS Codfish
1934Phyllis SSC60 Foot46 Ton OS Fishing3
1934Saint AndrewSC54 Foot40 Ton Wood Fishing53
1934SchornSE46 Foot29 Ton WOS Fishing5
1934T-1028SCFishing Vessel1
1934Thelma MSE31 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing3
1934White BearSE45 Foot27 Ton WGS Fishing2
1935Alt HeidelburgSEWGS
1935Anna JSEWOS Fishing6
1935Berg No 1SC50 FootWood Scow0
1935Bessie MSEWGS0
1935Blue BirdSEWGS4
1935E NielsonSEWGS Fishing2
1935Edna No 2SC46 FootWGS Fishing5
1935FoxieSE33 FootWGS Fishing2
1935HawkSC5 Ton Gas Screw
1935Helen PayneSE9 Ton Gas Screw3
1935IbisSE16 Ton WOS1
1935IthonaSE29 Ton OS Fishing6
1935Ivig (Ibis)
1935Jewel GuardSE12 Ton Gas Screw2
1935LiahonaSE40 Ton Oil Screw10
1935Libby McN & L No 2SC28 Ton Scow
1935LuSE38 FootWGS Fishing9
1935MinnieSE11 Ton Gas Screw2
1935Polar BearSC84 Foot162 Ton WOS10
1935PremierSE38 Foot14 Ton OS Fishing1
1935ResoluteSE104 Foot82 Ton WGS4
1935SalvatorSC160 Foot4 Mast Schooner8
1935SenatorSE58 FootWOS Fishing3
1935SitkaSE73 FootWOS11
1935Two FlatsSC32 Foot8 Ton WGS
1935VikingSC46 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing0
1935ViolaSE32 Foot10 Ton GS Fishing2
1935Virginia IVSE97 Foot92 Ton OS Freight
1936Agnes AnnSE31 FootWGS2
1936AliceSCFishing Steamer0
1936ChaconSE80 FootPassenger Motor Vessel14
1936Edna WattsSCWGS Fishing4
1936EmmirsonSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1936Frederick ASWGas Screw0
1936HiawathaSE8 Ton GS Fishing2
1936MargueriteSC19 Ton Gas Screw3
1936OlympicSE12 Ton WGS0
1936OsoSC8 Ton WGS Fishing2
1936OspreySE41 FootWGS Seiner6
1936Rudolph NSC52 FootWGS4
1936SawtoothWC41 Foot11 Ton Fishing Vessel2
1936T H TraheyC130 FootFreight Barge0
1936WestportSW88 Foot116 T Whale Steamer12
1937AltenSEWOS Fishing0
1937AtlanticSEWGS Fishing5
1937B M Co No 2SCWooden Barge
1937Blue FoxSC60 FootWOS4
1937BonitaSCWGS Fishing0
1937JeanSE8 Ton Gas Screw Fish2
1937K TSE8 Ton WGS Troller1
1937KodiakSC16 Ton WGS3
1937LimitSE59 FootWood Purse Seiner8
1937Little GlorySC50 Ton WGS9
1937MargaretSE9 Ton WGS5
1937Mary LouiseSE19 Ton WGS0
1937MyrnaSE34 FootWGS Fishing3
1937Nellie Juan #33SC8 Ton WGS1
1937North DakotaSC41 FootWOS Freight4
1937ProspectorSC34 Foot7 Ton Gas Mail Boat6
1937RexSC37 Net Ton Wood2
1937RolfeSC56 Foot38 Ton WGS2
1937Saint MartinSE55 Foot36 Ton WGS0
1937Taku IISE52 FootWGS2
1937VagabondSEGas Boat1
1937WTB Co No 7SE91 Foot488 Ton Wood Scow1
1937ZaporaSE151 Foot479 Ton Wood Steam27
1938Alaska ChiefSEWGS Tender41
1938Busy BeeSEWood Fishing3
1938C P #12SC51 FootWood Scow0
1938C P #4SCMotor Craft
1938ChathamSEWood Schooner0
1938Dan JrSEWGS2
1938Dorothy MSE35 FootWGS Fishing2
1938EidsvoldSEWGS Fishing7
1938EtolinSE53 FootWGS Fishing2
1938LawrenceSE370 Ton Wood Barge0
1938Lummi BaySE43 Ton WOS6
1938MacraySC86 Ton Wood Tug6
1938MarthaSE11 Ton WGS Fishing2
1938NeenahSC550 Ton Wood Scow
1938PattersonSC168 FootWOS218
1938PSB&D Co #8SC92 Foot247 Ton Wood Scow
1938San MarcoSC50 FootWGS Fishing0
1938StanleySE40 Foot22 Ton OS Fishing1
1938SwallowSWNavy Minesweeper40
1938TatooshSE50 Foot31 Ton WOS Fishing7
1938VolanteSE58 Foot18 Ton GS Fishing1
1939CraneSC34 FootWGS Fishing0
1939DefySEWGS Fishing2
1939EstrellaSE38 FootWGS
1939GraceSE13 Ton WGS5
1939HerthaSE19 Ton Oil Screw16
1939HornetSC53 FootWGS0
1939Kap ValalukaSE12 Ton Gas Screw Fish5
1939LangSE7 Ton WGS1
1939LouisianaSC33 Ton Gas Screw Fish5
1939MarthaSC60 Foot30 Ton WOS Fishing4
1939Nika NahSC36 Ton Gas Screw4
1939O M ArnoldSE74 Ton WOS Fishing35
1939OaklandSE18 Ton WGS5
1939OdunoSEGas Salmon Fishing12
1939PrincetonSE60 Foot45 Ton WOS6
1939PSB&D Co #11SC234 Ton Freight Scow
1939QuileeneSE62 FootWOS Towing4
1939RainbowSE30 Foot6 Ton WGS Fishing1
1939RustlerSE38 FootGas Screw Fishing4
1939SeekumSE35 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing1
1939SouvenirSE39 Foot19 Ton OS Fishing2
1939SutwikWC42 Foot15 Ton GS Towing2
1939SwanSC54 Foot36 Ton WGS Towing2
1939WandaSC14 Ton WGS Fishing1
194031-B-126SEGas Boat
1940AliceSCWGS Fishing6
1940Apex No 18SE60 FootWooden Scow1
1940B D Co No 2SC60 FootWooden Scow0
1940CapriceSE30 Foot
1940ChumSE41 FootWGS Fishing0
1940EmmaSC32 FootWGS Fishing1
1940FalconSE38 FootWGS Fishing4
1940FernSE34 FootWGS0
1940K R Co #1SW32 Foot12 Ton Scow
1940Libby McN&L VII No 5WC46 Foot23 Ton Scow
1940MaxieU35 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1940RavenSE39 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing1
1940RonaldSE10 Ton WGS2
1940Santa RitaSE48 FootWOS Fishing1
1940Silver WaveSE41 Foot20 Ton WGS Fishing6
1940SunbeamSE33 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing11
1940TahoeSC61 Foot52 Ton WOS Freight
1940Tiny BoySE46 Foot27 Ton WOS Freight6
1941DuriSE36 FootWGS Fishing2
1941EmpressSE45 FootWOS Fishing
1941F P 3SC60 FootWooden Scow0
1941G R FSC46 FootWood Scow
1941Jean MarieSE38 FootWGS Fishing1
1941K V KruseSE240 FootCanadian Barge
1941MarieSE34 FootWGS Fishing1
1941MusherSE28 FootWGS Fishing2
1941NuggetSE34 FootWGS1
1941NymphSE30 FootGas Troller2
1941Olivia HSC58 Foot51 Ton WOS Freight
1941RelianceSE31 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing0
1941Sesnon #14WC48 Foot24 Ton Barge
1941SveaSE29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing2
1941TemplarSC39 Foot17 Ton WGS
1941Tuck A HoeSE56 Foot39 Ton WGS Fishing4
1941Webster No IVSE50 Foot39 Ton Wood Scow2
1942AgnesSE33 FootWGS Fishing
1942ArareSW388 FootJapanese Destroyer104
1942ArcataSCArmy Transport Ship722
1942B D Co No 4SC49 FootWooden Scow
1942B D Co No 5WC49 FootWooden Scow
1942Charlotte BSC48 FootWGS Fishing
1942Cheribon MaruSWJapanese Cargo Ship
1942ColdbrookSC390 FootSteel Oil Steamer
1942Crown CityWC410 FootOil Screw Freight
1942Deep SeaSC70 FootWOS
1942Dupoco IISE31 FootWGS
1942Edward SchenkSE43 FootWOS Tug?
1942GeneSC32 FootWGS
1942Green ToadSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1942GrunionSW311 FootNavy Submarine60
1942Hattie BSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1942HelgalandSC78 Foot82 T Halibut Schooner10
1942HuskySC48 FootWOS
1942JennieSE41 FootWGS Fishing
1942JerichoSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1942JunetaSE41 FootWGS Fishing
1942K #12SC53 Foot37 Ton Scow
1942Kachosan MaruSWJapan Army Cargo Ship
1942Kashima MaruSW8572 TJapan Cargo Ship
1942King FisherSE38 FootWGS Fishing
1942King FisherSE45 FootWGS Halibut Schooner31
1942LaidaSC64 FootWOS Freight
1942LauraU44 FootWGS Tug
1942Libby McN & L II NoU65 Foot65 Ton Wood Scow
1942Libby McN & L III NoU65 Foot67 Ton Wood Scow
1942Libby McN & L III NoU72 Foot68 Ton Wood Scow
1942Libby McN&L VII No 4U64 Foot67 Ton Wood Scow
1942Marie JoSC44 FootWOS Fishing
1942Mary EllenSC39 Foot18 Ton WGS Fishing
1942MaxineSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1942Mount McKinleySC360 FootSteam Ship83
1942Nefco No 2SC55 FootWood Scow
1942NenohiSW359 FootJapanese Destroyer200
1942New DealSC27 FootWGS Fishing
1942Nichiryo MaruSW2700 T Japanese Cargo
1942Nissan MaruSW6537 TonJapanese Fleet Tanker
1942NorthwesternSW336 FootBarracks Ship
1942Nozima MaruSW449 FootJapanese Troop Ship
1942Number FourSW70 FootWood Scow
1942Number TwoSW70 FootWood Scow
1942OboroSW378 FootJapanese Destroyer20217
1942Phyllis SSC60 Foot46 Ton WOS215
1942Port OrfordSE214 FootWood Steam Schooner28
1942PSB&D Co #6SC92 Foot247 Ton Wood Scow
1942RadioSC75 FootOS Fishing9
1942RescuerSC175 FootRescue Salvage Vessel1
1942RexSE29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1942RO-32SE243 FootJapanese Submarine
1942RO-61SW250 FootJapanese Submarine605
1942S C 25SW167 FootJapanese Sub Chaser
1942S C 27SW167 FootJapanese Sub Chaser
1942Star No 71U61 Foot39 Ton Wood Scow
1942TakuSC72 Foot60 Ton WOS
1942TurksibSCRussian Freighter35
1942WasmuthSC314 FootNavy Minesweeper124
1942YP-74SW77 FootEx-Seiner Patrol Craft4
194331-A-166SEFishing Vessel
1943Akagani MaruSWJapanese Cargo Ship140
1943AltheaWC63 FootWGS
1943AntoneSCGas Boat13
1943C I P No 1SW60 FootWood Scow
1943CrusaderSC73 FootWOS Fishing
1943D L Co No XXXIIISW128 FootWood Barge
1943D S S Co No 8SE54 FootWood Scow
1943DellwoodSW320 FootSteam Ship31
1943DorothySW50 FootWood Scow
1943ElnaSC240 FootSteam Ship
1943EmilySE47 FootWGS
1943HighwaySEGas Boat Towing7
1943I-24SW358 FootJapanese Submarine104
1943I-31SW350 FootJapanese Submarine101
1943I-7SW355 FootJapanese Submarine5743
1943I-9SW367 FootJapanese Submarine114
1943ImperialSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1943JeaneSC58 Foot36 Ton WGS
1943John P GainesSC422 FootSteam Liberty Ship10
1943Kotohira MaruSWJapanese Cargo Ship2
1943LCT-319SWNavy Landing Craft
1943LCT-366SCNavy Landing Craft
1943LCT-71SCNavy Landing Craft
1943MapeleSC3545 T Steam Freight248
1943Mary EllenU39 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing
1943Mercer No 1SEBarge7
1943MischiefSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1943Montreal MaruSW6577 Japanese Ship
1943NeptuneSC34 Foot8 Ton Gas Screw
1943New MerrimacSE33 FootWGS Freight
1943PerseveranceSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1943PrawnSE44 Foot22 Ton WGS Fishing
1943PSB&D Co #8SC100 Foot185 Ton Wood Scow
1943PT-219SW78 FootNavy Torpedo Boat
1943PT-22SWNavy PT Boat
1943RoyalSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1943SC-1067SW110 FootNavy Sub Chaser
1943ScotiaSW2649 TonSteam Freighter
1943TeddySC69 Foot89 Ton WGS Fishing
1943Tyee ScoutSE49 Foot23 Ton WGS Fishing
1943Uragio MaruSW3110 TonJapanese Cargo Ship4
1943VictorySE35 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1943Wa WaSE34 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1943WordenSW341 FootNaval Destroyer14175
1943YP-72SW92 FootWood ex-Seiner
1943YP-88SW75 FootPatrol Boat
1944A C C # 50SE32 FootWood Scow
1944A R B 8SC49 FootWGS Fishing
1944AilanthusSW194 FootU S Navy Net Layer
1944B T Co No 4SC75 FootWGS
1944CarolineSC66 FootWOS Fishing
1944Fisher BoySE41 FootWGS Fishing
1944I-180SC336 FootJapanese Submarine85
1944John StraubSC422 FootSteam Liberty Ship5515
1944Libby McN & L IV NoSC60 Foot49 Ton Wood Scow
1944Libby McN & L V No 6U71 Foot79 Ton Wood Scow
1944Lomen C C No 1WC50 Foot43 Ton Wood Scow
1944NorcoSE150 Foot615 Ton WOS
1944NormaSE43 Foot19 Ton WGS Fishing
1944P A F #27SC65 Foot70 Ton Scow
1944Pavlin VinogradovSW2864 Ton Russian Ship339
1944PlatonSC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1944PSB&D Co #5SC78 Foot150 Ton Wood Scow
1944SouthernSE40 Foot18 Ton WGS
1944Wilma GSC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1944YP-95SW80 FootNavy Patrol Boat
1945ArabSE43 FootWGS2
1945C R P No 4SC55 FootWood Scow
1945Cook InletSC48 FootWOS
1945EllringtonSC47 FootWGS Fishing
1945HazelSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1945NeahSC58 FootWGS Fishing
1945OsamekinSC100 Foot325 Ton Navy Tug
1945Patrol No 3SE33 Foot8 Ton WOS Fishing
1945Prince GeorgeSECan. Steam Ship1112
1945RuthSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1945Saginaw IISE70 FootWood Scow
1945Saint George IISC40 FootWGS Fishing
1945SealSC58 FootWOS Fishing
1945StorkSC44 Foot17 Ton WOS Tug
1945TealSC44 Foot20 Ton WOS
1945TyphoonSE31 Foot8 Ton WGS
1945YC-693SCOpen Lighter Vessel
1945YC-912SCOpen Lighter Vessel
1945YC-961SEOpen Lighter Vessel
1945YP-73SC90 FootPatrol Craft0
1945YP-94SC82 FootDistrict Patrol Craft0
1945YR-43SCFloating Workshop0
1946A T T No 1SW314 FootSteel Barge
1946AfognakSEBeam Trawler8
1946ChichagoffSE57 FootWGS Fishing
1946ChilkootSE51 FootWGS
1946CougarSC59 FootWGS Fishing
1946Crown ReeferSWUSAT Reefer Ship39
1946DonbassSWRussian Tanker59
1946Edna SSE42 FootWGS Fishing
1946EssuSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1946Flying CloudSE41 FootWGS Fishing
1946H I C No 5SE60 Foot51 Ton Wood Scow
1946Island DukeSC45 FootWGS
1946JuneSC43 FootWGS
1946K F C No 1SC125 Ton Barge
1946KanagaSE61 FootWOS Fishing
1946Miss DSC50 Foot23 Ton WOS Fishing
1946NattieSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1946Per GyntSE40 Foot20 Ton WGS Fishing
1946PeregrinSC34 Foot13 Ton WGS
1946Red WineSC44 FootWGS Fishing Vessel
1946RoaldSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1946Sakett's HarborSW10488 Ton Steamer
1946Sea ItSE45 Foot17 Ton WOS Freight
1946SomehowSC33 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1946VenusSE52 Foot42 Ton WOS Freight
1946Wafico No 8SC31 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1946WarrigalSE30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1946YukonSC360 FootSteel Passenger Steam11469
1947AdvanceSE40 FootWGS
1947AlannahSE51 FootWOS Fishing
1947AukSC60 FootWGS Tug
1947AuroraSE43 FootWGS
1947AvisSE31 FootWGS Fishing
1947B D Co No 7SC60 FootWooden Scow
1947Cape KarlukSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1947ClarindaSC89 FootWOS
1947Gravina PointSC71 FootWGS Fishing
1947MayoSC43 Foot23 Ton WGS Fishing
1947North PassSE46 FootWOS Fishing
1947Ole IISE32 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1947P T & B Co 1651SE1008 Ton Wood Barge
1947Rainbow IIISC100 Foot139 Ton WOS Fishing
1947Sondra LeeSE99 Foot296 Ton WOS Freight
1947SpencerSC64 Foot61 Ton WOS Freight
1947TidingsSE40 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1947WinifredSC37 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1948A S P No 3SC60 FootWood Scow
1948ARR 738SESteel Barge
1948B F No 9SC60 FootWooden Scow
1948BerniceSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1948BobolinkSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1948CaledoniaSE82 FootWOS Fishing
1948ChippewaSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1948D L Co No XLIXSC110 FootWood Scow
1948DellSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1948DubrovnikSE49 FootWGS Fishing
1948EstebethSE55 FootWOS
1948FamousUNK57 FootWOS Freight
1948GooseSC33 Foot12 Ton Gas Screw
1948ImpSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1948Kenai ISC82 Foot163 Ton WOS Freight
1948KenudySE32 FootWGS Fishing
1948KiskaSE59 FootWOS Fishing
1948Lady RaeSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1948MyraSC39 Foot10 Ton WOS Freight
1948NoraSC68 FootWOS
1948P T & B Co 1652SW202 Foot1008 Ton Wood Barge
1948SkarstoneSC98 Foot261 Ton WOS Fishing
1948Toby TSC30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1948U S 1SC71 Foot91 Ton Wood Scow
1948VentureSC63 Foot54 Ton WOS Fishing
1948Willard BSE73 Foot64 Ton WOS Fishing
1949A S P No 4SC60 FootWood Scow
1949A S P No 5SC59 FootWood Scow
1949AfognakSC76 FootWOS Freight
1949BoomerSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1949CarleneSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1949ChilkootSC60 FootWOS Fishing4
1949Eagle MarchSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1949El PasoSE58 FootWGS Fishing
1949FrolicSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1949G G KSE33 FootWGS Fishing
1949GambierSE47 FootWGS
1949MaineSE45 FootWGS Fishing
1949Martha AU107 FootWOS Fishing
1949Olga NSC11 Ton WGS
1949SalmoraSC63 FootFishing Vessel3
1949ScoterSEUSF&WS Vessel
1949Shannon BelleSCTroller
1949SophieSE29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1949SunsetSC58 Foot40 Ton WOS Seiner5
1949Three DeucesSE45 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1949ValoSE34 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1950Arctic ChiefSC149 FootSteel Scow Tanker
1950ArrowSE58 FootWGS Fishing
1950BasilN47 FootSOS
1950CopperSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1950DixieSE34 FootWGS Fishing21
1950Double KnotSC34 FootWGS Fishing
1950ElsieSE40 FootFishing Vessel2
1950FalconSC45 FootWOS Fishing
1950Hazel ISE32 FootWGS Fishing
1950HyacinthSC49 Foot33 Ton WGS
1950LarkSC36 FootWGS Fishing
1950Libby McN&L IX No 16SE60 Foot35 Ton Wood Scow
1950Mahina HouSC103 FootSOS Fishing
1950MidgetU33 FootWGS Purse Seiner3
1950Naughty MarlettaSE33 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing
1950NelsineSC34 FootWGS Fishing
1950P C #1SE56 FootWood Scow
1950Pierson PetroleumSC59 Foot85 Ton Steel Tanker
1950Sea ShellSE33 Foot11 Ton WOS Fishing
1950Shangri-LaSE31 FootWGS Fishing
1950VermaySE50 Foot50 Ton WOS Fishing
1950Veron MaoSC33 Foot10 Ton Pleasure

8 Replies to “Alaska Shipwrecks 1926-1950”

  1. In 1948 the fishing boat the Kiska was hit. by the Mayflower (build pre 1900) the Kiska ended up on our beach to fall apart .The Mayflower is now in the same cove (Air Marine ) falling apart.ironic ,not 200 yards from the boat she hit so many years before.

    1. The Kiska (Official Number 214852) was a 59 foot wood hull built in 1917 at Tacoma. There were two vessels named Mayflower listed in the Merchant Vessels List for 1948 that were operating in the area. One was a 38 footer out of Sitka and the other a 44 footer out of Ketchikan.

    2. My Dad and Grandpa were on the Mayflower when this happened. That very same year, Dad had the Famous under tow by the Mayflower when the line got tangled in the Mayflowers wheel. Jack cut the famous loose and she wound up hitting the rocks on Point Alva, South of Ketchikan. Jack died in the accident and was never found. My Dad couldn’t do a thing to help as the Mayflower was dead in the water with the line in the wheel.

      1. Thanks for the information. I haven’t been able to find this wreck in the newspapers but I will keep looking. Do you happen to know what Jack’s last name was? It looks like the Famous was owned by someone named Dan Starkweather. I see the Mayflower owned by John N Garner. Any info is helpful including what was wrong with the Famous, if they were fishing for anything, weather conditions, time of day and stuff like that.

  2. The wreck of the SS Skagway in 1929 was at Tatoosh Island Washington, not Tatoosh Islands, Alaska.

    1. Thankyou for the heads up. I have researched and saved several contemporary news stories about this disaster and will update our records and publications accordingly. It is not often that the Merchant Vessels publications are in error but it does happen. That someone entered Tatoosh Islands, Alaska instead of Tatoosh Island, Washington is surprising. The entry should have been Cape Flattery all things considered. Thanks again for your help.

  3. Hello.
    I have tried to find the circumstances surrounding the death of a Norwegian who died
    while fishing in Alaska in May 1934, without any luck.
    Is there a list of those who died while fishing at this time?
    Are there opportunities to read scanned newspapers from Seattle from 1934?
    The man’s name was Edmar Berg Benjaminsen – born Oct. 1899 in Meløy Norway
    He later moved to Fagervik and then took the name Edmar Berg Fagervik.
    Edmar arrived in New York on Christmas Eve 1924.
    In 1932 he lived in King Seattle and he then applied for a “Petition of Citizenship”.
    On the 6th day of October 1933 he received his American Citizenship.
    It is likely that he then changed his name to Edmar Berg Viken.
    In Norwegian Church Books it is only stated that he died while fishing in May 1934.
    Whether the fishing boat capsized, or whether he died from injury or illness, I do not know. I hope someone can help me. Mail me at: [email protected]

  4. My grandma told a story about how she had to take my terribly jaundiced aunt by boat from Chignik to Kodiak for medical attention. Mom and baby got on the wrong boat and didn’t know until they arrived in Kodiak–the harbormaster told my grandma the boat they were supposed to take sank in heavy weather with 1 survivor–a Native boy who’d grabbed hold of a barrel to stay afloat.

    My aunt was born in 1943 and I think this incident likely occurred between 1946-1950.

    Thank you for keeping this list!

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