Alaska Shipwrecks is a work in progress. In time it will include a review of all losses of life and vessels in and near the navigable waters of Alaska. It is a preview of an Encyclopedia of Alaska Shiprecks I will publish in the future. I dedicate this site to the memory of my many friends and acquaintances lost in and around the Alaska Commercial Fishing Industry who left port and never returned. If you knew someone who was lost please remember them by posting at the end of the page where their loss is noted. Thank you all who visit this Alaska Shipwrecks site. Please respect copyrights. Warren Good

Wish I had those crab for dinner.
This is a great site for all of us to visit and remember very good men and women who lived there lives to the fullest. Thanks for putting the site together.
i don’t think i can put another piece of alaskan king crab in my mouth without thinking about how it got there…..i often think that if i have to go i’d like it to be while i am doing something i absolutely love……i can see warren, that you truly care about all those who did just that
Pogo this is an awesome website. I wish you much success in this. Please email anytime if there is information I can assist you with.
Thanks Penni, You have been very helpful already. I have a long way to go with just the first draft of this effort. I have been at it for 25 years now. Al Drabek used to look over my shoulder back in the 1980’s and just shake his head. I think he would be amazed at what this is becoming. I had hoped he would be down here helping. Thanks for your input. Warren (Pogo) Good
I just wanted to say thank you for working so hard on this. Its good to see that my uncle “Little” Steve Horwath and my friends from the Big Valley will not be forgoten.
Thanks again for your hard work!