Alaska Shipwrecks 1951-1975

ABBREVIATIONS:  AluminumALBritish ColumbiaBCCentralCFiberglassFRPFishing VesselFVIndicated Horse PowerIHPLongliner-LLMotor VesselMVNorthNOfficial NumberONRevenue Cutter ServiceRCSSchoonerSchSignal LettersSLSouth CentralSCSoutheastSESouthwestSWSteel oil screwSOSSteam ShipSSUnknownUUnited States ArmyUSAUnited States Coast GuardUSCGUnited States NavyUSNWestcentralWCWood gas screwWGSWood oil screwWOS

1951AgateSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1951B B 1SEWGS0
1951BeachcomberSE58 FootSOS
1951BettySE43 FootWGS Fishing
1951BogdanSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1951C-S-FSC63 FootSOS Fishing
1951DebsSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1951Elsie IIISE32 FootWGS Fishing
1951Esther DSC45 FootWOS Fishing
1951FlatterySC36 FootWGS Fishing
1951FrostySE26 FootWGS Fishing
1951G F 1SEWGS0
1951G F 6SEWGS0
1951Hazel MSE28 FootTroller
1951Helen LeeWC48 FootWGS Tug
1951HilsonSECanadian Halibut04
1951Jay MSE29 FootWGS Fishing Vessel
1951JewelSE33 FootWGS Fishing
1951JuniorSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1951Laurel AnnSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1951Lomen C C No 15WC61 Foot37 Ton Wood Scow
1951Lomen C C No 3WC50 Foot45 Ton Wood Scow
1951Lomen C C No 4WC50 Foot43 Ton Wood Scow
1951Lomen C C No 5WC50 Foot45 Ton Wood Scow
1951Lomen C C No 8WC50 Foot37 Ton Wood Scow
1951Lomen C C No 9WC47 Foot46 Ton Wood Scow
1951Mafco 8SC28 FootWGS Fishing
1951Mafco9SC28 FootWGS Fishing
1951MarthaSC60 FootWOS
1951Mary RSE33 FootWOS Fishing
1951Miss LaceSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1951NeptuneSE57 FootWOS Freight
1951Northern ReelSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1951PamarajahSE30 Foot10 T WGS Passenger
1951PearlU49 Foot22 Ton WOS Tug
1951PugetSE126 Foot175 Ton Wood Barge
1951RoamerSE60 foot57 Ton WOS Freight
1951RuthSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1951SalomeSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1951SmithSC105 FootWOS Freight
1951Star 2SC33 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1951SuacoSC56 FootWOS
1951WashingtonSE44 Foot18 Ton WGS Fishing
1951YonderboundSC39 Foot11 Ton WOS Fishing
1952AlascoSC44 FootWGS Fishing
1952Alice TSC107 FootWOS Freight6
1952AnnSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1952CressetSC53 FootWOS Fishing
1952Davey LynnSC32 FootWGS Fishing3
1952Denny JoSE50 FootWOS Fishing
1952DorisSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1952Florence SC75 FootWood Barge
1952HerculesSC72 Foot80 Ton Wood Scow
1952IolaSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1952KerrySC33 FootWGS Fishing
1952Laughing LadySC33 FootWGS Fishing
1952MarionSC49 FootWGS Fishing
1952Night HawkSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1952PawikSC42 FootWGS Freight
1952Princess KathleenSE369 FootPassenger Steamer425
1952S S F Co No 5SE70 Foot126 Ton Wood Scow
1952SolarSC43 Foot36 Ton WGS Fishing
1952SR 9SC152 FootSOS Cannery Tender11
1952SundownSW107 Foot270 Ton WOS Freight
1952TimbermanSE61 Foot53 Ton WOS Tug
1952Wafico No 2SC30 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1952WesternSE30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1952WizardSC65 Foot60 Ton WOS Fishing
1953A R 5SC27 FootWGS Fishing
1953Andrew ZSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1953Attu IslandSE328 FootLST Barge
1953CeltSE62 FootWOS Fishing
1953Ferry QueenSC65 FootWood Scow
1953Helen BSE72 FootWOS Fishing
1953HiawathaSC66 FootOil Screw Yacht
1953JerrySC52 FootWGS Fishing
1953JrSE9 Ton WGS
1953Libby McN&L X No 2SC56 Foot34 Ton Wood Scow
1953LomelaSC51 FootWOS Fishing
1953LoomisSE45 FootWGS Fishing
1953MaggieSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1953Mary PatSC27 FootWGS
1953MeteorSC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1953Reliance No 3SE32 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1953Rolling WaveSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1953Sacco No 3SC55 FootWood Scow
1953Sea GramSE41 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1953SortlandSC28 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1953SupremeSE33 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1953SwanSE44 Foot23 Ton WOS Fishing
1953TideripSC39 Foot15 Ton WOS Fishing
1953TrygveSC38 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing
1953WalrusSE41 Foot21 Ton WOS Fishing
1953WanitaSC44 Foot32 Ton WOS Fishing
1954A F L 1654SC195 FootWood Barge
1954AlbatrossSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1954Annie KSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1954AvonaSC36 FootWGS Fishing
1954BarracudaSE40 FootWOS Fishing
1954Crown No 2SE260 FootSteel Scow
1954DiajacSE30 FootWGS
1954Donna LeeSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1954FlamingoSE45 FootWGS Fishing
1954GF 8SC27 FootWGS Fishing
1954IglooSE43 FootWGS Fishing
1954Katleen AnnSC34 FootWGS Fishing
1954KFC-8SC30 FootWGS Fishing
1954Lawrence PSC42 FootWGS Fishing
1954LoyalSE37 FootWGS Fishing
1954MildredSE50 Foot12 Ton WOS Fishing
1954NeldSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1954NorthlandSC55 FootWGS Fishing
1954Oregon WolfSE58 Foot48 Ton WOS Freight
1954Parks No 4SC29 Foot7 Ton WGS
1954PepSC32 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1954PlatypusSE35 Foot17 Ton WGS Freight
1954Rainier IISE28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1954RedwingSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1954RubySE48 FootWOS Fishing
1954SallySC33 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1954Sea SpraySC43 Foot20 Ton WGS Fishing
1954SinbadSC32 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1954StanwoodSE58 Foot78 Ton WOS
1954Western SunSE68 Foot
1954WinabobSC39 Foot22 Ton WOS Fishing
1954ZingoSE35 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1955A R 3SC27 FootWGS Fishing
1955AksalaSE31 FootWGS Fishing
1955Alasco 3SE47 FootWGS Fishing
1955Alice G IISE29 FootWGS Fishing
1955AnsoniaSC63 FootWOS Fishing
1955EagleSC50 FootWOS Fishing
1955EnosSE45 FootWOS Fishing
1955FrolicSE31 footWGS Fishing
1955Glenda RaeSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1955HaciendaSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1955Harold JNTug3
1955HarvesterSE40 FootWGS Fishing
1955Jean OSC39 FootWOS Fishing
1955JuniorSC65 FootWOS Fishing
1955Katy-TSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1955La FranceSE35 FootWOS Fishing
1955Larsen Bay No 7SC60 FootWood Scow
1955Last ChanceU30 FootWGS Fishing
1955LeaderU65 FootWGS Fishing
1955Lucky BoySC32 FootWGS Fishing
1955M T B S Inc VWC50 Foot45 Ton Wood Barge
1955Mary AnnSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1955Michael JU28 FootGas Water Jet Fishing
1955MikieSE28 FootWGS Fishing
1955MorzhoviaSE80 FootWOS Freight
1955North KingSC99 FootWOS Fishing
1955NunivakSC51 FootWOS Fishing
1955Pafco No 7SC33 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing
1955Parks No 2SC29 Foot7 Ton WGS
1955QueenSC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1955RegisSE52 Foot29 Ton WGS Fishing
1955RuthSE30 FootTroller41
1955Sea HorseSC100 FootSOS4
1955SueSC36 Foot19 Ton WOS Fishing3
1955TippySC37 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1955Ugashik ThreeSC49 Foot33 Ton SGS Fishing
1955VindicatorSC126 Foot253 Ton WOS Fishing
1955William BurnettSE48 Foot20 Ton WGS Towing
1956A P A S-10SE72 FootSteel Scow
1956AdaSE41 FootWOS Freight
1956Ada MaySE31 FootWGS Fishing
1956AlertSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1956ArgusSE44 FootWGS Fishing
1956B&W No 1SC100 FootSOS Freight
1956BeilbySE46 FootWGS Fishing
1956Betty JSC57 FootWOS Fishing
1956Carlisle ISC56 FootWOS Fishing
1956CarmellaSE50 FootWOS Fishing
1956Carol JoySE33 FootWGS Fishing
1956ChumSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1956Danaco No 5C110 FootWood Barge
1956DulcineaSW166 FootSOS Tanker
1956EskimoSC75 FootWOS4
1956Eunice HSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1956ExcursionSC65 FootWOS
1956Far NorthSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1956FarragutSE33 FootWGS Fishing
1956Forman FSE28 FootWGS Fishing
1956FriadaSE28 FootWGS Fishing
1956G P C 19SC31 FootWGS Fishing
1956HerewegoSE35 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1956Hy-C-TaneSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1956ItalioSC64 FootWOS Fishing
1956J HSC41 FootWOS Fishing
1956Junyo Maru No 3SW84 TonJapanese Salmon Boat23
1956KotzbueWC60 FootSOS Freight
1956LibertySE39 FootWGS Fishing
1956LindaSE30 FootTroller1
1956LoyalSC43 Foot23 Ton WGS Fishing
1956Lynn DSC10 Ton WGS
1956MaceSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1956MajesticSC74 FootWOS Fishing
1956NedraSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1956P G No 4SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1956P S F Co No 2SC60 Foot41 Ton Wood Scow
1956ReformSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1956Salmon MuleSC52 FootSOS
1956SancoSE40 Foot15 Ton WGS Fishing
1956Sea ParrotSC46 Foot25 Ton SOS Fishing
1956SeattleSC44 Foot21 Ton WOS Fishing
1956StarlightSE39 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1956SunsetSC30 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1956TuvaSC50 Foot55 Ton SOS Fishing4
1956UssonaSE43 Foot16 Ton WGS Fishing
1956ValenciaSE69 Foot82 Ton WOS Freight
1956Wafico No 22SC35 Foot16 Ton WGS Fishing
1956Washington MailSC468 FootSteel Steam Ship66
1956Wild BillSE29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1957AkweSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1957AleutianSC62 FootWOS Fishing
1957BaltoSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1957CheerioSE37 FootWOS Fishing
1957Chignik No 6SC31 FootWGS
1957ClydesdaleSE55 FootWOS Fishing
1957Cordova SalvorSC100 FootSOS
1957D S S Co No 1SE60 FootWood Scow
1957DotSE38 FootWGS Fishing
1957Fish MuleSC46 FootSOS Tug
1957FlintSC52 FootWOS Fishing
1957George HSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1957Katherine TSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1957Lena FSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1957Margaret JSE49 FootWOS Fishing
1957Nefco 17SE76 Foot128 Ton Wood Barge
1957Phoenix XSE79 Foot70 Ton WOS Fishing
1957Pioneer No 4SC54 Foot30 Ton Wood Scow
1957RedoubtSE39 FootWGS Fishing Vessel
1957Roxanna DawnSC40 FootWOS Fishing
1957Sea OtterSC40 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1957ValvadereSC40 Foot10 Ton WGS
1957Yakima IIISE32 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1958A P A S-5SC72 FootSteel Scow
1958A S P No 7SC47 FootSteel Scow
1958ArcticSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1958BadgerSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1958Barge No 18SWTanker
1958CelticSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1958EsterSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1958Gertie EllenSE37 FootWGS Fishing
1958Haida MaidSEGas Screw1
1958JoSC31 Foot11 Ton Gas Screw Fish
1958K S T No 1SE60 Foot63 Ton Wood Scow
1958LenaSC44 Foot22 Ton Wood Scow
1958Libby 20SC35 FootWGS Fishing
1958LibertySC72 FootWOS Fishing
1958MakoSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1958MaxSC30 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1958Maxine MSE44 Foot31 Ton WOS Fishing51
1958MercurySC72 FootWOS Fishing
1958MurreSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1958OdinSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1958Pen 18SC28 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1958Pen 29SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1958PlayfairSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1958SeldoviaSC32 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1958Skee-DunkSW47 Foot44 Ton SOS Freight
1958SunmoreSC40 Foot2 Ton WOS Fishing
1958Tarleton H BeanSE35 FootHerring Fish Research3
1958ThrasherSE38 Foot11 Ton WGS Tug
1958Uncle SamSC43 Foot25 Ton WOS Fishing
195931-A-101SEFishing Vessel1
1959A R B 10SC62 FootWOS Fishing
1959ArgusSE41 FootWOS Fishing
1959BluefinSE48 FootSeiner1
1959Charlotte AnnSC40 FootWOS Fishing
1959CometSC56 FootWOS
1959Elinor DSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1959FortunaSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1959HildaSE36 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1959Irene CSE30 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1959KamishakSC36 FootWGS Fishing
1959KimballSE37 FootWGS
1959LassieSE42 FootWOS Fishing
1959Lew-AlSC36 FootWOS Fishing
1959MichoSE34 FootWOS
1959P PSE28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1959ParamountSE58 Foot42 Ton WOS Fishing
1959Parks No 3SC29 Foot7 Ton WGS
1959Point ReyesSE57 Foot44 Ton WOS Fishing
1959Porfico No 1SC31 FootWGS Freight
1959Putco-2SW70 Foot90 Ton Steel Barge
1959Queen KathleenSCB C Fishing Vessel8
1959RaylandSC34 Ton SOS
1959RuthSE32 FootFishing Vessel
1959Ruth AnnSE107 FootWOS Fishing
1959SukieSE40 FootWOS Fishing
1959TillikumSE47 Foot26 Ton WOS Fishing
1959TyeeSE39 Foot16 Ton WGS Fishing
1959ValderSEGas Screw
1959Wonder GirlSC35 Foot16 Ton SGS Fishing
1960A T B No 41SC119 FootSteel Scow
1960Aleutian ISC29 FootSOS Fishing
1960B D and MSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1960Big DipperSCWOS
1960BonanzaSC52 FootWOS Fishing
1960Coral SeaSE96 FootWOS Fishing
1960FearlessSC90 FootWOS Fishing4
1960Fin FinSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1960Hazel MSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1960ItSE33 FootWGS Fishing
1960Iva AnnSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1960Mary-JoSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1960OrionSE43 FootWOS Fishing
1960Pacific No 1SC272 Foot3238 Ton Steel Barge
1960Pearl AnnSC34 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1960Pen 30SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1960ProspectorSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1960R P No 1SC28 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1960Saint ChristopherSE29 FootWOS
1960S-ESC28 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1960Theo ESC68 Foot72 Ton WOS Fishing
1960TomSE50 Foot36 Ton SOS Tug3
1961A R 4SC27 FootWGS Fishing
1961Alf and JimSC34 FootWGS Fishing
1961B B P 14SC30 FootWGS Fishing
1961BrandtSC44 FootFishing Vessel3
1961Carmella JSC44 FootWOS Fishing
1961Chignik PrideSC27 FootWGS Fishing
1961ComedianSE38 FootWGS Fishing
1961Denia MSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1961DupontSC59 FootWOS3
1961ExhibitSE40 FootWOS
1961Guy JrSC58 FootWOS Fishing
1961HuskySC55 FootWOS Fishing Vessel
1961HyperienSE43 FootWOS Fishing
1961Irma BelleSE28 FootWGS Fishing Vessel
1961Johnny ESE44 FootWOS Fishing
1961Josephine ISE38 FootWGS Fishing
1961JunoSC47 FootWGS Fishing
1961Kathi JSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1961KFC-7SC31 FootWGS Fishing
1961KlyuchevskySWSoviet Trawler
1961KupreanoffSC10 Ton WGS
1961Larsen Bay No 3SC70 FootWood Scow
1961LillySC40 Foot18 Ton WGS Fishing
1961MalinaSC82 FootWOS Fishing
1961MerkaSC34 FootWGS Fishing
1961MistSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1961P G No 53SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1961Pafco No 9SC33 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1961Parks No 11SC31 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing
1961PartnerSE37 Foot16 Ton WOS Troller5
1961Peggy FossSC52 FootSOS Tug
1961Peggy LSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1961Pen 12SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1961Pioneer IISE37 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1961Richard KSC34 footWGS Fishing
1961Ruby SSE31 FootWGS Fishing
1961Ruth LSC60 FootWOS Fishing3
1961Silver StarSC44 FootWOS Fishing3
1961SmileSE31 FootWGS Fishing
1961SparkySC28 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1961Virgie KSE39 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1961WelcomeSE42 Foot21 Ton WOS Fishing
1961WesternSC41 Foot25 Ton WGS Fishing
1961White CapSW44 Foot31 Ton WOS Fishing
1962A MSC27 FootWGS Fishing
1962Alaska RoustaboutSC100 FootSOS Tug
1962Aleutian IISW29 FootSOS Fishing
1962Amy DUNK41 FootSOS Fishing
1962Barbro DSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1962Chignik No 7SC31 FootWGS Fishing
1962D & M IISC110 FootSteel Barge
1962DixieSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1962EmpressSE78 FootWOS Fishing
1962EudoraSC100 FootWOS Pleasure
1962EuniceSC55 FootWOS Fishing
1962GuideSEGas Screw
1962Johnny OSE27 FootWGS Fishing
1962KetoviaSC57 FootWOS Fishing
1962LeanneSC29 FootWOS Fishing
1962MarconiaSC74 FootWOS Fishing
1962Mattie JSC32 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1962N P Corp No 41SC60 Foot38 Ton Wood Barge
1962PlanetSE49 Foot43 Ton WOS Freight
1962ReginaSC29 Foot7 Ton WGS
1962RudakofSC82 FootWOS
1962S R 22SC110 Foot650 Ton Steel Barge
1962Sara BSC34 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1962Sea VentureSW130 Foot150 Ton WOS Fishing3
1962SisuSE32 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1962Star 2SC28 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1962SummitSC28 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1962TritonSE42 Foot19 T WOS Passenger
1962TundraSC37 Foot13 Ton WOS Fishing
1963AmookSC51 FootWOS Fishing
1963Apex No 1SC42 FootWOS Fishing
1963Audrey VSC40 FootWGS Fishing11
1963BarracudaSC36 FootWGS Fishing21
1963Bertie IISE36 FootWGS Fishing
1963BremertonSEGas Screw
1963CascadeSEGas Screw
1963ChallengerSC35 FootWGS Fishing
1963DentistSE80 FootWood Barge
1963Dorothy HSC27 FootWGS Fishing
1963Elfin IISEDiesel Screw
1963ErinSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1963HagemeisterSC65 FootWGS Freight
1963HawkSC45 FootWood Barge
1963HazelSEGas Screw
1963Jinny CSW68 FootWOS Fishing
1963LarchSC47 FootSOS Fishing
1963Margie AnnSE33 FootWOS Fishing
1963MemoriesSC35 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1963MeteorSC75 Foot83 Ton WOS
1963MistSC41 FootWOS Fishing
1963Pen 14SCGas Screw
1963Rande ASCEx Sub Chaser
1963Saint AnnaSE48 Foot26 Ton WGS Fishing
1963Saint LouisSE41 Foot18 Ton WOS
1963SandraSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1963Sea RoseSC80 Foot128 Ton WOS Fishing
1963SpraySC33 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1963StrangerSC38 Foot16 Ton WOS Fishing
1963SunbeamSE62 Foot58 Ton WOS Fishing
1963T MSC28 Foot6 Ton WGS Fishing
1963TahitiSC46 Foot36 Ton SOS Fishing
1963ThorSE60 FootSGS Fishing
1963TotsySE42 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1963Two BrothersSC50 Foot24 Ton WOS Fishing
1963VenusSC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1963Wesco No 1SC35 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1964A P S Co No 10SC60 FootWood Barge
1964A RibichSC52 FootWOS Fishing
1964AdakSC32 FootWOS Fishing
1964AkhiokSE31 FootWOS Fishing
1964AlbatrossSC60 FootWOS Fishing
1964AlmaSC87 FootWOS Fishing
1964AlmarieSE36 FootWOS Fishing
1964Anna CSC31 FootWOS Fishing
1964Anna OSC37 FootWGS Fishing
1964AnnAdellSC82 FootWOS
1964ArrowSC46 FootWOS Fishing
1964BettsSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1964Betty SSE38 FootWGS Fishing
1964BillSC37 FootWOS Fishing
1964Black CapeSC29 FootWOS Fishing
1964Blue OceanSC68 FootCanadian Halibut08
1964Blue PacificSC37 FootWOS Fishing
1964BulldozerSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1964C L AndersonSC71 FootWOS State
1964Cape BarnabasSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1964Cape KarlukSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1964Cape SpencerSW85 FootWOS Fishing
1964ChristineSC34 FootWOS Fishing
1964CindySC31 FootWOS Fishing
1964CindySC43 FootWOS Fishing
1964CometSE48 FootWOS Fishing
1964CrestSC36 FootWGS Fishing
1964Davy-JSC38 FootWGS
1964Denny MSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1964Dynamite KidSC50 FootWOS Fishing
1964El FirmaSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1964Ema MarieSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1964EvelynSCDiesel Screw
1964ExplorerSC36 FootWGS
1964FalconSC35 FootWOS Fishing
1964FalconSC30 FootWOS Fishing
1964FamousSEGas Screw
1964FidelitySC59 FootWOS Fishing
1964FlamingoSC31 FootWGS
1964ForwardSC47 FootWOS Fishing
1964FriedaSC69 FootWOS Freight
1964Gay LadySC30 FootWGS Fishing
1964General PershingSC59 FootWOS Fishing
1964Gulf KingSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1964GypsySC70 FootWOS Passenger
1964HarveySC39 FootWOS Fishing
1964Hazel ASC38 FootWGS Fishing
1964Heather DSC27 FootWGS Fishing
1964HeklaSC71 FootWOS Fishing
1964Henning JSC70 Foot84 Ton WGS Fishing
1964HumpySC35 FootWOS Fishing Vessel
1964IliottSC38 FootWOS Fishing Vessel
1964Isabel NSCVessel
1964JaguarSC64 FootSOS Fishing
1964JeanSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1964Jim AliceSCFishing Vessel
1964JoSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1964JoanneSC39 Foot12 Ton WOS Fishing
1964JodohaSC35 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1964John WayneSC34 FootWOS Fishing
1964JudySC30 FootWOS Fishing
1964K F C 127SC27 FootWGS Fishing
1964K F C 6SC30 FootWGS Fishing
1964KingSCGas Screw
1964Laurie AnnSCGas Screw
1964Leading LadySC57 FootWOS Fishing
1964LocksSW58 FootWOS Fishing
1964LoralSC48 FootWGS Fishing
1964Lotti MSCDiesel Screw
1964Lucky StarSC49 FootWOS Fishing
1964Marie NSC38 FootWOS Pleasure
1964Marmot CapeSCVessel
1964Mary LSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1964Mary RubySC78 FootWOS Fishing
1964MaryLeeSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1964MelodySC31 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1964MermaidSC41 Foot24 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Millie SSC43 Foot21 T WOS Passenger
1964Minnie KSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1964Minnie SSC38 FootWOS Fishing
1964Miss ArcticSC44 FootWOS Fishing
1964MoonSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1964MuleSE52 FootSOS Fishing Vessel
1964NeckerbaySE35 FootWGS
1964Nellie Juan #5SCBarge
1964NeptuneSC70 FootWOS Freight
1964Norman JSC35 FootWOS Fishing
1964North WindSC50 FootSOS Tug
1964Ocean QueenSC39 FootWGS Fishing
1964Oma BelleSC34 FootWOS Fishing
1964OraniusSC37 Foot18 Ton WGS Fishing
1964P S & W H RY No 3C105 Foot167 Ton Wood Barge
1964PadillaSC38 Foot20 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco 21SC35 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco 23SC35 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco 24SC35 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco No 10SC42 Foot28 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco No 11SC42 Foot28 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco No 13SC42 Foot28 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Pafco No 2SC33 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Paul LSC65 Foot65 Ton WOS Crabber4
1964Peril CapeSC40 Foot27 Ton WOS Fishing
1964QuadraSC64 FootWOS Fishing
1964RadarSC36 Foot16 Ton WOS Fishing
1964RadioSE35 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1964RainierSC35 FootWOS Fishing
1964ReneeSC26 Foot7 Ton WGS Fishing
1964RooseveltSC42 FootWOS Fishing
1964S J No 5SCGas Screw
1964S J No 7SC30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Sacred HeartSC34 FootWOS Fishing
1964Saint ThereseSC33 Foot14 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Salty DogSC44 Foot23 Ton WOS Fishing
1964San Juan #4SCBarge
1964San PatrickSW521 FootLiberian Cargo Steam32
1964Sea BirdSC51 Foot41 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Sea IdleSC29 Foot11 Ton WGS
1964Sea Scout BoatSCBoat
1964SeliefSC82 FootWOS Fishing
1964ShuyakSC53 FootWOS Fishing
1964Silver SpraySC35 FootWGS Fishing
1964Sophia KingSCVessel
1964SpraySE31 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Spruce CapeSC37 FootWOS Fishing
1964Standard No 1SC90 FootWood Barge
1964StarlingSC38 Foot20 Ton WOS Fishing
1964SteelheadSC36 Foot12 Ton WOS Fishing
1964SweetfishSC40 Foot13 Ton WGS Fishing
1964TazlinaSC41 Foot17 Ton WOS Fishing
1964TernSC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1964The NovaSC29 FootWGS Fishing
1964ToshaSC35 Foot13 Ton WOS Fishing
1964U F No 2SC30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1964VagabondSC40 Foot11 Ton WOS Fishing
1964VegaSC48 Foot28 Ton WOS Fishing
1964VentureSC37 Foot9 Ton WOS Fishing
1964VenusSC42 Foot19 Ton WOS Fishing
1964VerdonSC32 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Victory MaidSC62 Foot67 Ton WOS Fishing
1964VioletSC31 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1964VirginiaSC29 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Virginia ESC68 Foot70 Ton WOS Fishing
1964Wafico No 12SC30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Wafico No 9SC31 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1964West CapeSC29 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1964Western ClipperSW78 Foot125 Ton WOS Fishing
1964WidgeonSC29 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1964WindbirdSC37 Foot11 Ton WGS Yacht
1964WingfootSE30 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1964YukonSC52 Foot40 Ton WOS
1964YukonSCFishing Vessel0
1965Alaska QueenSW61 FootWOS Tug3
1965BarbaraSC29 FootWGS Fishing0
1965Bear BaitSC33 FootWGS Fishing
1965BluebellSC35 FootWGS Fishing
1965BoksetegorskSWRussian Trawler14
1965Cathy JoySC29 FootWGS Fishing0
1965CedarSC43 FootWOS Fishing
1965Craig FossSC88 FootSOS Tug10
1965DianaSE28 FootWGS
1965DianaSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1965EagleSEWGS Fishing
1965EdithSC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1965Ekaterini GSWConverted Liberty Ship1
1965Elmira BSE28 FootWGS Fishing
1965G P C 21SC34 FootWGS Fishing
1965IolaSE34 FootWGS Fishing
1965Isla NSC30 Foot11 Ton WGS Fishing
1965JanieSC29 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing0
1965JesselSE36 FootWGS Fishing
1965Lady AnnSE39 FootWOS Fishing
1965LaurieSC29 FootWGS Fishing0
1965Lief HSEFishing Vessel2
1965Mabel MSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1965MariaSC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1965MaxineSCGas Screw
1965Mount McKinleySC60 FootWood Barge
1965NahichevanSWRussian Trawler14
1965OdunaSC422 FootSteel Steam Ship0
1965PalSE32 Foot7 Ton WOS Fishing
1965Parks No 5SC29 Foot7 Ton WGS
1965PawtucketSC97 FootSOS Tug4
1965PeggySC28 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing0
1965Pen 38SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1965PollySC33 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing
1965ReaSC31 FootWGS Fishing
1965ReinaSW94 Ton Oil Screw4
1965RomanofWC84 FootSteel Barge
1965Ronnie MSC89 Foot196 Ton WOS Fishing5
1965S B P Co No 12SC49 Foot38 Ton Steel Barge
1965Samson IISEOil Screw
1965SauveurSC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1965Sea MaidSC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1965Sea RangerSC68 FootCanadian Halibut8
1965SebezhSWRussian Trawler14
1965SevskSWRussian Trawler14
1965Star No 74SE61 Foot39 Ton Wood Barge
1965SuccessSC62 Foot57 Ton WOS Fishing3
1965SuzieSC29 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing0
1965TravelerSE39 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1965Two JohnsSC28 foot8 Ton WGS Fishing0
1965TykeSEGas Screw
1965VagabondSC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing0
1965WarriorWC34 Foot7 Ton WOS Freight
1966519SE103 Foot210 Ton Steel Barge
1966AndreaSE33 FootSOS Fishing
1966Anne IISE41 FootWGS
1966AR 1SC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1966AR 5SC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1966AR 7SC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1966AR 8SC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1966AR 9SC28 FootWGS Fishing0
1966BeringSCGas Screw
1966BettlesSWLanding Craft0
1966Catherine JSC40 FootWOS Fishing
1966Chignik No 2SC29 FootWGS Fishing
1966CordovaSC79 FootWOS Fishing
1966CorinneSE39 FootWOS Fishing
1966DianaSE37 FootWOS Fishing
1966Earl MSEWGS
1966ElnaSE29 FootWGS Fishing
1966EttaSE41 FootWGS Fishing
1966Frederick CSC69 FootWOS Fishing
1966HerculesSC117 FootWOS Tug
1966JulieSE36 FootWOS Fishing
1966KanduSC76 FootSOS Fishing
1966KitsapSC159 FootWood Ferry
1966LumberjackBC272 FootSteel Barge
1966Madre DolorosaSCCrabber5
1966N S 10SC27 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966N S 11SC27 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966N S 22SC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966N S 24SC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966N S 25SC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966N S 26SC29 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966New Bay BeautySC31 FootWOS Fishing
1966NightmareSCFishing Vessel2
1966North CapeSC109 FootSteel Barge
1966NorthlandSEDiesel Screw
1966P A F #13SCBarge
1966P A F #23SCBarge
1966P G No 10SC28 foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1966P S No 76SW120 Foot337 Ton Steel Barge
1966PeanutSC31 Foot12 Ton WGS Fishing
1966Refrigerator 10SC239 FootSoviet Reefer Ship595
1966S J No 9SC31 FootGas Screw Fishing
1966Sandy JoySC31 FootWOS Fishing
1966ShelikofSC72 FootCrabber4
1966SnugSC27 Foot6 Ton WOS Fishing
1966Sun BeamSC89 Foot194 Ton WOS Crabber6
1966U F 21SC34 Foot17 Ton WGS Fishing
1967AenaSEGas Screw
1967AstronautSC59 FootSOS Fishing0
1967DorothySEGas Screw
1967Dream GirlSC35 FootWGS
1967DriftSE39 FootWGS Fishing
1967FalconSE30 FootWGS Fishing
1967FarwestSCGas Screw
1967H & S No 5SE90 FootWood Barge
1967Kelly BSC32 FootWGS Fishing
1967Mary LouSEDiesel Screw
1967MedinaSCDiesel Screw
1967MeldonU53 Foot42 Ton WOS Fishing
1967Nan BSE60 Foot43 Ton WGS Freight
1967NiraSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1967P G No 7SC28 Foot8 Ton WGS Fishing
1967Pafco No 12SCOil Screw
1967Panoceanic FaithSC441 FootSteel Steam Ship355
1967RenmoreSCDiesel Screw
1967Roscoe IISC31 FootWOS Fishing
1967Saint AnthonySC75 FootOil Screw Fishing3
1967Sam Su No 7SWKorean Fishing Vessel15
1967Sam Su No 8SWKorean Fishing Vessel15
1967San ToySE29 Foot10 Ton WGS Fishing
1967ScenicSC38 Foot14 Ton WOS Fishing
1967SolarSCGas Screw
1967SoundSEGas Screw
1967South WindSCTug3
1967StellaSE31 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1967V OSC126 FootCrabber5
1967ValdezSC5051 TonHydro Train Barge
1967VitanicSW79 Foot131 Ton WOS Fishing
1968AlertSEGas Screw
1968AtlanticSEGas Screw
1968AttuSEGas Screw
1968B B 6SCGas Screw
1968BabsSCOil Screw
1968BrownieSCGas Screw
1968Carmen BSCOil Screw
1968ChirikofSCOil Screw Crabber3
1968DenverSEGas Screw
1968Ediz LightSCGas Screw
1968EvieSEGas Screw
1968Helen JSCDiesel Screw
1968John DSCGas Screw
1968Lila KiSEGas Screw
1968Little JoeUDiesel Screw
1968Luella IISCGas Screw
1968M P E 110SCDiesel Screw
1968Marsha AnnSWOil Screw
1968North SeaSCWOS Crabber31
1968Pan 60SCGillnetter1
1968Paso TiempoSEGas Screw
1968Peter PanSCOil Screw
1968PloverSEDiesel Screw
1968ReviewSEGas Screw
1968Sea ErmineSCCrab Fishing Vessel5
1968SeattleSC1357 Ton Barge
1968Southern ExplorerSCDiesel Screw
1968WalworthSEOil Screw
1968WhistlerSCDiesel Screw
1969B C ClipperSCCanadian Halibut35
1969Bull MooseSC47 FootPurse Seiner24
1969CabnaCOil Screw
1969Cape UganikSCOil Screw
1969Carol IreneSCOil Screw
1969CherokeeWCOil Screw
1969Dear JohnSEGas Screw
1969FalconSCOil Screw
1969Helen NSEGas Screw
1969Jeannie LeeSEGas Screw
1969K 9SCGas Screw
1969Kukuyoshi Maru No 15SWJapanese Fishing0
1969Louis BSCGas Screw
1969Manana IISECharter Vessel7
1969MartindaleSWDiesel Screw
1969MonroeSE46 FootWOS
1969PelicanSCDiesel Screw
1969SelenaSCOil Screw
1969Sharon PatriciaSCDiesel Screw1
1969SitkaSEFishing Vessel
1969SkilakSCOil Screw
1969TeejinSCCrab Fishing Vessel
1969ThlinketSEOil Screw
1970A P A 8UGas Screw
1970AndreaSE27 FootGillnet Fishing8
1970CavalierSE49 FootWOS Fishing
1970EchoSEOil Screw
1970FalconSCOil Screw Seiner111
1970Grizzle NSCOil Screw
1970Judy KSCGas Screw
1970Larsen Bay No 2SCBarge
1970Lois MSEOil Screw
1970Marietta JSEOil Screw
1970Miss PozzolanaUOil Screw
1970Naknek DivaSCFishing Vessel
1970Nitto Maru No 67SC96 Ton Japanese FV17
1970OspreySCOil Screw
1970Pete TideSCOil Rig Supply Boat5
1970Red RoseSCGas Screw
1970RustlerSC43 FootWOS Fishing10
1970Ruth MaeSEGas Screw
1970SanSCGas Screw
1970Sandra MarieSCOil Screw
1970ScoterSEGas Screw
1970Sea FairSCVessel
1970Sea MillSC50 FootCrab Fishing2
1970SidneySCOil Screw
1970TrinitySCOil Screw
1970VitaSCCrab Fishing Vessel2
1970Z B 100FSCBarge
1971AdakSEGas Screw
1971AgulleitU54 FootOil Screw
1971AstronSC74 FootWOS Fishing4
1971Ben JonSCOil Screw
1971Clara JSCOil Screw
1971DecoraSEFishing Vessel5
1971Glory BeSCCabin Cruiser
1971Gyro JumboSCFishing Vessel1
1971HarlequinSCGas Screw
1971HelaC52 FootSOS
1971Husky IIWCPilot Boat
1971Iron MuleSCFishing Vessel8
1971Katata MaruSW310 FootJapanese Fishing0
1971KatmaiSCWood Crabber4
1971KiejakSCFishing Vessel4
1971Louise IISESeiner3
1971LyndaSCFishing Vessel
1971Lynda KSCFishing Vessel
1971Marjorie HSC50 footWOS Halibut Fishing5
1971Maureen GreerSCCrabber3
1971MenloSC47 FootWOS Fishing3
1971Nissei MaruSW90 Ton Japanese FV108
1971NorlandSEFishing Vessel3
1971Ocean CastleSCFishing Vessel4
1971PacificSCMotor Vessel13
1971Saint MarkSC83 FootWood Crabber4
1971SaratogaSCFishing Vessel7
1971Seven SeasSCFishing Vessel4
1971SoftukSCGas Screw1
1971StagSCCrab Fishing Vessel3
1971TongassSEFishing Vessel6
1971Viking KingSW87 FootCrabber22
1972AddingtonSC54 FootWOS Fishing3
1972Alasco 2SC43 FootWOS Fishing
1972Arctic SeaSC50 FootSOS Fishing
1972CydoniaSE68 FootWOS
1972Dora RSE60 FootPurse Seiner21
1972FriscoSC46 FootSOS Fishing
1972Gloria JeanSESeiner3
1972HelenSC30 FootWGS Fishing
1972Icebreaker IICSpeed Boat
1972KatmaiTXSteel Crabber4
1972KaySEGas Screw
1972Leading LadySC57 FootWOS Crab Fishing3
1972LexSCFishing Vessel4
1972MarcellaU39 FootWGS Fishing
1972MontclairSC28 FootWTS Fishing
1972PacroverSCLiberian Cargo Ship30
1972PatriotSCFishing Vessel3
1972Peregrin IISCOil Screw
1972Royal FisherSWCrabber
1972SouthlandSEOil Screw
1972SpruceSCMotor Vessel
1972Toni JeanSC32 Foot14 Ton WOS Fishing11
1972TradewindSEOil Screw
1972TravelerSEOil Screw
1972Trinity ISETug2
1972Tyke IVSE30 Foot9 Ton WGS Fishing
1973AEC 41-28SEBarge
1973Atka QueenBC105 FootCrabber5
1973BeckySCOil Screw
1973Carolyn CSCCrabber0
1973Coast No 3SE63 FootWood Barge
1973DauntlessSC91 FootLL Halibut-Crabber4
1973Donna RSCFishing Vessel0
1973Double KnotSC34 FootWOS4
1973EdcoSEOiil Screw
1973El DoraSCTroller-Gillnetter
1973Ell DoraSC39 FootWOS Fishing
1973ElvekemaSCOil Screw
1973GrowlerWC160 FootFreighter3
1973IliamnaSC36 FootWOS Fishing
1973JarlSCOil Screw
1973Kelly BSCFishing Vessel
1973MiraSE32 FootWGS Fishing
1973Mr GeorgeSC13 Ton Oil Screw
1973Neptune ISCFishing Vessel5
1973Pacific PearlSC64 FootShrimper22
1973Pacific VikingSC44 Ton Oil Screw
1973RebelSEFishing Vessel
1973Star No 70SE61 Foot39 Ton WGS
1973Western SalvorSELogging Barge
1974AlbacoreSEGas Screw
1974Aleutian SalvorSE90 FootTug6
1974Anna LeeSCBarge
1974AriesBC86 FootSOS Crabber05
1974AukaiSCFishing Vessel
1974BabsSEOil Screw
1974Barge 221SCBarge
1974Cloy ECTug
1974ColletteSC43 FootWOS Fishing
1974CrescentSE57 FootWOS
1974Crystal SSWFishing Vessel
1974EagleSC37 FootOil Screw
1974ElizabethSE35 FootWGS Fishing
1974EmmonakWCProcessing Barge
1974Fearless IISC32 FootVessel
1974GeraniumSWLiberian Freighter28
1974Helenka BSCOil Screw
1974John and OlafSC80 FootSOS Fishing4
1974KenaiSERefrigerated Barge
1974KetaSE7 Ton Gas Water Jet
1974KimSEOil Screw
1974Libby No 9SE60 FootFishing Vessel15
1974Lucky DebonairSCCrabber
1974Mark FSCLogging Barge
1974Martin DSE80 FootSOS Tug31
1974Millie MSC27 FootVessel
1974Miss AlaskaSC197 Ton Oil Screw
1974NormarSC95 FootWood Shrimp Trawler5
1974PepUGas Screw
1974QuicksilverSE15 Ton Oil Screw
1974S J No 8SC32 FootOil Screw
1974Skagway HelenSEGillnetter
1974Skippy JackSCGas Screw
1974SnoqualmieSC98 FootWood Fire Boat
1974Suzanna IISCOil Screw
1974Tommy BoySEPrivate Vessel3
1974TulaSCOil Screw
1974VeronaSCOil Screw
1975CitationSEOil Screw
1975CommanderSCGas Screw
1975Cynthia ReaSEGillnetter3
1975DalmatiaSCOil Screw
1975David FossSCFishing Vessel6
1975ForresterSE32 FootFishing Vessel1
1975Foss 209SCBarge
1975HornetSE48 Ton Oil Screw
1975HustlerSC43 FootWOS Fishing Vessel
1975Ida KSE39 FootWGS Fishing Vessel
1975K P No 2SE65 Foot62 Ton Wood Barge
1975KevalaskaSC326 FootSteel Barge
1975ManzanitaSC76 Foot78 Ton WOS
1975MartenSC82 FootWOS Crabber31
1975MojoSE28 FootFishing Vessel12
1975PursuitSE29 Foot11 Ton WOS Fishing
1975Rey Mar HoustonSC157 Ton Oil Screw
1975Robert G SeymourSEOil Screw
1975SharkaySCFishing Vessel
1975Shelly AnnSC34 FootVessel0
1975SuntorySCOil Screw
1975SuzanneSC275 Ton Barge

8 Replies to “Alaska Shipwrecks 1951-1975”

  1. Great Uncle Donald O. Spaulding died December 22, 1963 when his boat sank off the coast of Alaska. He was a member of The Alaskan Scouts (Castner’s Cutthroats) during WWII and then a commercial fisherman after the war. I am trying to put together details of his life. Do you have any informtation you can share?

    1. Your Uncle’s boat was the Ilaott. It was a converted U S Army vessel (J-728) of 38.7 feet. It was destroyed at Seward during the earthquake/tidal wave of March 27, 1964. His boat must have been re-floated after his loss in 1963 but I haven’t found a news report about it. He is buried at the Angelus Memorial Park in Anchorage with his military information on the headstone. His last address that I can see was on West 34th in Spenard, Alaska.

  2. My friend was interested in knowing about a Crabber ICELAND that was a converted Navy Ship which ran on the rocks in Alaska in about 1964. Any information would be appreciated. He’s looking for the story and a photo if possible.

    1. There was a 97 foot vessel operating in Alaska at that time called the Iceland, official number 252483, Call signal WB5647, built in 1943 as the U S Naval vessel APC 108. She was owned by Iceland Boat Company out of Petersburg and registered at Wrangell. She appears to have still been active many years after the wreck that you described. I have no records of the Iceland going onto the rocks, but I will keep searching for newspaper articles. There are more and more old newspaper and magazine records coming on line so the article that describes what happened may show up at a later date.

  3. Looking for any info on my uncle Steven Patrick Hardy. His fishing vessel sank off the coast of Alaska in 1974. Thanks. CJ.

    1. Your Uncle’s boat was the Yaquina lost in a storm November 22, 1974 in Queen Charlotte Sound, B.C. A total of five men were lost. There are a number of news articles that detail their loss and the subsequent search for them. They had been fishing off Millbank Sound and were on their way home. I do not have a file on this vessel as it is not an Alaska wreck. Sorry for your loss.

  4. Found a picture of a fishing boat with the name Cydonia. Also the life preserver says Cydonia Anacortes. More information about the owner and crew. Thank You Jackie

    1. I would love to have a copy of that picture for our files. Here is the information about her loss from one of my books: The 63 ton 68 foot wooden diesel powered Cydonia foundered January 4, 1972 near Point Hugh, Stephens Passage. The Cydonia was built in 1915 at Seattle, WA with Official Number 212948.

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