The frozen storms of winter are finally over and spring is in the air. The number of vessels and mariners lost goes down this time of year in the Alaska marine environment. There are still casualties, particularly in the unpredictable spring storms that come out of nowhere.

The following are some of the more significant wrecks on the day in May that they experienced disaster. The year and location are included in each entry.

Nice to see so many survivors in so many sea wrecks. However the rest of the year even more losses. Winter months very deadly for fishermen & extreme loss of loved members of families. For my family January 18, 1988 marks loss of my beloved brother, father to blended family of 8 children & son to parents who had already loss a son at age 19 to logging accident in Alaska. Sharing month of May memorable but glosses over true losses that huge throughout the year..
Families never forget the loss & extreme sadness.
Sorry for your loss. I remember Jim and knew some of the rest of the crew. This site is meant to draw attention to the dangers of the Alaska Marine Environment by accurately reporting what I have researched over the past 40 years. This post represents what I have learned about the wrecks of May because it is May. More vessels are lost in May than January. The important statistic most people forget is that almost twice as many people have been lost in January. Almost four times as many men, women and children have been lost in September. I am not glossing over anything. It is just the way things are. I will post a chart.