Most people lost at sea in Alaska are never found. Without a body or other remains, a grave, crypt or similar memorial is rarely constructed. Because there is no physical location to visit, this list of lost mariners is often times the only place where those poor souls are remembered. If you knew someone who appears here, please leave a kind word. I have built files on many of the names and do not charge to share what I have. I was in the commercial fishing trade for several decades and lost many friends. I have made it my calling to make sure they and others like them are never forgotten. I have been working at this for almost fifty years so I have much to share with anyone who is interested.
Click on the letter below that represents the first letter in the last name of the person you are searching for. If you are searching for John Smith, click on the letter “S”. There are thousands of names listed, but the list is far from complete. If you find that a person you know was lost at sea in Alaska and is not represented here please contact me at [email protected]. Also if you find a name that is spelled wrong or the particulars listed with the name are in error please contact me. This work is in progress and is being edited on a regular basis.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (XYZ)
my uncle Robert LaVigne was lost near Dillingham Nushagak Bay 1981 he was chief engineer on vessel Teddy lost in skiff accident on outgoing tide trying to climb back onboard Teddy cant remember all details but would like to see his name on the list family still misses him badly thank you Kenneth Lange
I will get him listed. I used to set net fish with friends back in the 1980’s at Ekuk on the outer Nushagak. Sorry for your loss.
I dug around and found his loss described in a Seattle Newspaper August of 1982. I will make sure to get him on all my lists. RIP Robert L LaVigne.
Ola Bee, cook on the Lincoln lost March 7, 1896. This agrees with family stories but Mrs Bee and their 6 children were not on the boat and she died 1936 in Seattle. Her death notice lists Ola, SS Lincoln and the date so I am certain that is him. Perhaps they decided not to go at the last minute because of weather or overcrowding. They have very young children. Wondered where you got the list of names. Have tried to find newspaper articles about the wreck but no luck (I live in Australia). Very interesting book, thank you!
I have dozens of digitized newspaper accounts of the loss of the Lincoln in my files. I also have a number of other related documents. I can email you any if you need them. I have always wondered whether all or any of the women and children that were listed with the loss of the Lincoln were in fact aboard. Considering the size of the vessel, it would have been almost impossible to transport all of the adults and children mentioned in some news accounts. I was captain of a vessel the same size (54 feet) during the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989. I transported clean-up workers to the beaches in the same area that the Lincoln was said to have been lost. On a good day I could handle 40 people but many would be standing out on deck. If it was cold or rainy there was no room for that many inboard where it was warm and dry. There was only room for about two dozen. I believe my circumstances were similar to the conditions aboard the Lincoln. That being said, I am glad to hear of your information regarding the family of Ola Bee. More digital files are available today than were when I first researched the loss of the Lincoln. I will follow up and see what I can find. Thank you for your information.
Ola Bee and Marie had 6 living children aged between 3-12 so luckily they couldn’t fit on that boat. I thought if a family of 8 all drowned, it would have made the Seattle papers. Would only be interested if the papers mentioned Ola Bee. Thanks for clearing that up, MaryEd Hartnell
My husband’s 2 nephews were lost at sea on 9/30/84. Names were Phil and Geoff O’Donoghue. Their brother-in-law David Miller also perished. I don’t recall the problem they encountered..something about helping another ship ????. Do you have any info on this or where might I go to find story. Thank you for your consideration to this request.
Here is the entry from my Alaska Shipwreck book: “The 48 foot wooden fishing vessel Curlew stranded and foundered September 30, 1984 near Herendeen Island in the Shumagin Islands. The Curlew was towing the Kelly Ann who had been experiencing engine trouble southeast of Atkin Island. Three of the four crewmen aboard the Curlew were lost including David Miller, Phil O’Donohue and Geoff William O’Donohue. Ray Miller, the fourth crewmen from the Curlew, managed to get aboard the Kelly Ann to safety.”
I have a few news articles I will send you via email. Also I will correct the spelling of O’Donoghue. Sorry for your loss.
I have the original newspaper article stored somewhere and had learned of this from a good friend whose boyfriend was also a fisherman so was given some background information from witnesses. I was away at college at the time or would have been right there with them. I also connected with some Coasties since my dad had been stationed there. They were coming back from Black Cod fishing, probably overloaded and decided to help a fellow boat, stranded and probably also full. They tried to tow the stranded vessel and the tow line took them down so fast they didn’t get time to put their survival suits on. Some nearby at the time had said Ray was asleep at the time of the accident and was thrown through the porthole window? Somehow he was thrown out and away from the boat. They think this is how he was the only survivor. I was 18 at the time. Geoff was 18 or 19. Only David was over 21. Locally they were known as the Koolaid Krew, they were all so young. I remember Ray was the youngest, maybe 14. He was a small kid, really skinny. Lucky for him. They were a friendly and fun-loving group, just trying to help and it cost them their lives. Heroes in my book. You have to realize they were young and struggling, they were just starting out. They were sitting on their fortune in fish but rather than looking at profit ther hearts were on helping another boat. They were in an old, WOODEN VESSEL that wasn’t even seaworthy until a few months prior to this, yet they were willing to offer aid to another. Please put me in touch with Wanda O’ Donoghue if possible.
I am so relieved to have found this posting. I was Geff’s girlfriend at the time of his death. I have information for you and wish to connect tobhis family. I have been looking for over 30 years. I want to memorialize him in a book about his life.
Sept 1st 1983 the Golden Viking capsized. Out of the 6 man crew four survived. My great friend Michael McKee was one of the two men that did not survive. Sure wish I could hear of what happened exactly. Would be nice to Hear events from survivor.
Thx, we have never forgot you (Heag’n’)
The crewmen who survived the loss of the Golden Viking were identified as Douglas Sherwood, Eric Uhler, Reider Tynes and Dana Tyler. Eric Uhler posted in the “Alaska Recent Maritime Losses 1972-2015” section of this website the following in December of 2018: “I was on deck with Mike, Dana, and Doug on the Golden Viking getting ready to set our first string of pots for opening day of the red crab season September 1st, 1983. Nick was in the galley cooking breakfast. Reider was the skipper, he made a turn to port and the starboard went under as the boat capsized. I climbed the stack of gear as the boat rolled. Mike ducked back in the passageway from the deck to the galley. I got knocked into the water, as the boat rolled I climbed the stack of gear. Nick was like a big brother to me. I still feel it every September.”
My uncle Clarence Jackson who also went by Steve wrote in his last letter to his mother in 1934 in Juneau that he was leaving to prospect for hold at Windham Bay. He was never seen or heard from again. My Grandmother hired a detective who deadended after finding him on a boat leaving for Windham Bay. Such a family heartache and mystery. Can you recommend anywhere I could go to find more information?
I do not show any Jackson lost to a ship wreck during the 1930s but my records are incomplete. There was a 4th class Post Office at Windham in Windham Bay in 1934 to service the 20 or so residents there. They had a mining operation so the area was already being mined and likely well prospected. He may have moved on. I will keep a note to myself to watch for Mr. Jackson in my research.
In February 3rd 1999 my father Edward cantrell’s boat the northern Aurora iced up and rolled over his friend Neil marolt was rescued after being in the water for two hours and my dad Edward cantrell was actually found 14 hours later and the conditions were to bad to retrieved what it looked liked a lifeless body so they got the corrdinates and went back to get him and his was gone by then. Go figure I mean how could u leave my father out in the water after 14 hours find him and not retrieve him. I swear I could sue someone like the coast guard for this shit. I live in Michigan and use to live in Seward after he died I went to Seward high school in 9th grade now I’m 31 amd need answers can u help me with the actual photos of his boat being found on fox island and take pics of his last body site corrdinates if I gave u them please help me I have no one else to.
From what I can see, your Father’s body was located in the rocks and surf on the NE shore of Rugged Island. The vessel went aground on Fox Island, 4 mi S of where it capsized. Fox Island is about eight miles south of Seward. The high temperature that day (Feb 3, 1999) was 4 degrees Fahrenheit and the low was minus 9. The wind was blowing from 25 to 45 miles an hour.
I was captain of the Anderson tug Junior when this happened . We took Anderson tug “Kari A” out and spent 14 hours searching . we were then relieved by tug “Gale Wind ” , also from Anderson . In my time searching I was on the flying bridge of the tug 18 feet above the water wearing a float suit and an arctic slope parka and having salt water spray freezing to me ! The sea fog was so bad that I could not see the ocean looking down . Yet we searched . We were there when Neil was rescued . it gave us hope and direction . so we searched . I am sorry and was very upset at the time about your Dad , but I did hear that he was helping Neil into his survival suit, and did not have his suit zipped up , when the boat rolled over because of the weight the ice spray freezing to the rigging . Going into that water is not survivable with an unzipped suit . If that is true your dad is a hero . Hope this helps , Pat
Tiffani, can you email me?
My father was Robert Washburn. I don’t know if the name is familiar to you or not but he actually was the previous owner of that vessel. He was very close with your family. I was actually looking into this today… it was always a soft spot for me and my family. If you send me coordinates I can get you all the pictures you need. I will be going out on a boat in Seward August 18th.
I also have some questions of my own for you. If you don’t mind me picking your brain a bit.
[email protected]
What a distinct website this is indeed. Thank you. I am looking for any information I can find about my good friend Christopher (Chris) Loennig. Chris followed me to work in the Alaska fishing/canning industries in the 1979-1980 ish time frame. After the Summer sockeye season in South Naknek Chris landed a deckhand job on a crabber/cod fishing vessel I believe but not 100% sure. I never saw him again. I was told he went overboard in calm waters. Fitting as he told me prior the scariest times for him at sea were the calm moments instead of the times all Hell was breaking loose and all hands were wide awake and on their A-game. I always felt the circumstances of his disappearance were a little suspect. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
According to NamUs Case # MP67027 Chris Leonnig was lost overboard while “retrieving buoy bags” November 16, 1986. Apparently he was hit and knocked overboard. The report says Dutch Harbor so they may have been picking up or putting crab pots in storage. You can go to the NamUs website and put in his name. There is a photo of him in rain gear. I do not see a name for the boat he was on. I will look around and see if I can’t find more information for you. He looks very familiar and at 6 foot 4 he stood out. I was working out of Dutch Harbor at that time so we may have crossed paths.